Labor Deruta

Ceramiche Labor Deruta was located in the Umbrian town of Deruta, Italy, famous for its ceramics. Labor was founded in 1952 by Sante Pelli.

Pelli’s talents passed down to her daughters. Labor Deruta was one of the first artisans with whom we at Bonechi Imports worked when we first started importing ceramics from Italy in the 1980s.

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Showing 121–126 of 126 results

Deruta Ricco Verde Teapot
Deruta Ricco Verde Pitcher
Deruta Ricco Verde Oil & Vinegar Caddy Set with "Olio" & "Aceto"
Deruta Ricco Verde 8.5" Candlestick
Deruta Ricco Verde 8.5" Candlestick
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